Recent content by SanToki

  1. S

    Fireplace insulation

    Christ Almighty. I realise I did not post much info as I was in a hurry to nip out last night, But I wasn't expecting quite such a patronising set of replies that have nothing at all to do with the question I posted :cry: Just to clarify, I was asking for advice on the merit of installing...
  2. S

    Fireplace insulation

    I'm about to put in a corner fireplace for a woodburner in my front room; simple affair consisting of a slab of stone for the hearth, and single skin brick walls at the back about a metre squared on either side of the corner. It's been suggested that there may be benefit to insulating behind the...
  3. S

    Parallel push to break cupboard lights...

    Oops, yea that's what I meant - getting my symbols mixed up :oops: Cheers.
  4. S

    Parallel push to break cupboard lights...

    Hi there, just about to put a light in a cupboard and I wanted it to be activated by a push break switch from either of the two doors... Would I be correct in assuming this is just as simple as wiring them up with the switches in parallel on the live as shown here...
  5. S

    Is non-tanalised wood ok for use as joists?

    I'm insulating one of the rooms in my house, having taken it all down to bare brick and roof rafters (no loft). I have some wood already that is the perfect size for what I need, but it's non-tanalised. Would this still be alright to use as joists on the walls the roof rafters (it will be behind...
  6. S

    Removing ceiling and insulating between rafters...

    [/url] Now that looks interesting (I'm really not liking the idea of 16 vent tiles at £30 a shot!). Would something like that be sufficient on it's own without higher up (i.e. ridge) ventilation?
  7. S

    Removing ceiling and insulating between rafters...

    Just got home and checked, and no there isn't any soffit/fascia on the other side either, so soffit vents are not an option :|
  8. S

    Removing ceiling and insulating between rafters...

    As I say, I'll definitely get that looked into when the building chappy comes round next week, but I’m not sure yet how feasible that actually is due to the design/nature of the building – there is definitely no soffit/fascia arrangement on one side, and I'm not totally sure that the other has...
  9. S

    Removing ceiling and insulating between rafters...

    Thanks for the response, I shall look into whether this is feasible. When you say soffit ventilation, does that mean that just a single ventilation hole at the bottom is needed – that there does not need to be another hole at the top as well? (i.e. in an entrance/exit fashion). Another line...
  10. S

    Removing ceiling and insulating between rafters...

    Having bought an old converted coachhouse from the turn of the century that had all it's character boarded up when it was turned into living accommodation, I am in the process of trying to bring back out of much of it as I can. The upstairs floor has a sloping roof joining partway down the side...