Recent content by scotland2000

  1. scotland2000

    water leak through cill in composite door

    Hello crank, this is an update, we have done as you suggested and this is what we found,the end of the door frame on both sides at the bottom are open, so not all the water that slides from the door front ends up getting out of the drainage holes at the bottom, but travels to the sides and...
  2. scotland2000

    water leak through cill in composite door

    thank you for reply. the threshold have two drainage slots where the blue arrow pointing and its working fine (we've poured some water to see where its going), but at the same time its accumulating at the joint as I've shown on the picture, no idea from where this water coming from. Some suggest...
  3. scotland2000

    water leak through cill in composite door

    can anyone identify why water leaking through this part (on the interior between threshold and cill) of the newly installed composite door? And how to rectify it.