Recent content by SCUDmcCOY

  1. S

    Easiest way to render a wall

    if you have never dashed before there is a 99% chance that you will make a total mess of it.if you take it on you could always plant a few bushes in front of it after.
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    Is it Possible to skim a painted rendered wall

    you will have to get someone to render it so why not ask them for their proffesional opinion.its hard to judge something you cannot see.
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    Hairline cracks in roof plaster on new extension

    i think roughcaster should quit wasting his time on this site and release a book. :D .the man gives good advice every time.
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    "bouncy" dot 'n' dab...

    you could use the steel plugs for fixing plasterboard.if there is a large space behind plasterboard drill a few small holes in it and pump in a small amount of expanding foam.dont use gripfill
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    old effect

    whats the best mix to achieve a rough finish on a slabbed it bond and skim or just bond on its own.also is the sponge float the best way to finish it or would this be too rough
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    is there any need to put waterproofer in the scratch coat.i just use it in the finish wondering what the rest of you think
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    First ceiling tomorrow

    im sure you have the ceiling by now but id recommend you get a pair of stilts
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    white render

    use yellow sand instead.
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    (rendering) over plyboard

    i get u now.thanks roughcaster.
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    (rendering) over plyboard

    cheers for the replies.around the window has been done in ply.the felt will be put on by the chippy.i was going to fix the mesh onto this.i was wondering what the battens were for.mabye i refer to them as something else.lattes?
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    do you not scud blockwork in england before you scratch it.
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    scud the brickwork first.this should give you a key to scratch over.mix sand:cement 2:1 ,have it watery and skite the brickwork with it
  13. S

    (rendering) over plyboard

    ty for advice but does the timber not rot quicker with no felt under the mesh
  14. S

    How to get the correct render finish

    1 part lime mixed with 1 part sandy loam.then soak it for 24 hours in horse urine after which it can be used for every should be able 2 get this at your local hardware. :)