Recent content by shanealbertt

  1. S

    Having my dog put down tomorrow, am I a murderer?

    Don't be too hard on yourself. Over the years, you've done the best for her, and no doubt this has been repaid tenfold - not that us pet owners are looking for a specific payback. It's just the bond that exists. You have to steal yourself to do one last thing for her. The most difficult thing...
  2. S

    The Grand Design

    On the contrary Pred, if you read my original posting, I do not credit myself with any intelligence, as I don't understand the concepts to which I refer either. In so far as inane comments, the posting was for interest and information, and if readers do not want the information then they are at...
  3. S

    Housing benefit scrapped for under 25's

    Uri surely you dont think for one minute that people come here because theres work ?? yes i would agree that a feral jeremy kyle worshipping fraternity does exsist but i suspect the main reason people come here is because the quality of life is better (for the moment that is) .Now im not racist...
  4. S

    Liar .............

    Legal, and then a group of "understanding" of the rules ... the police have an 'event' ... they want you to go a different way home ... you go to a different homeon the road ... you do not dig out the manual on human rights and the debate toss ...