Recent content by spam90

  1. S

    Vokera Maxin 24e - no pressure problem

    I can't see a black handle pointing upwards I'm afraid. I do have a Service Manual, but to be honest, it's a bit over my head. I won't pretend to be an expert, but I've learnt some useful lessons today, so it's not been all bad. I'll pop out tomorrow and get a flexi-hose and follow...
  2. S

    Vokera Maxin 24e - no pressure problem

    Thanks for taking the time to reply, it's appreciated. There's not a flexible hose in sight. But, a bit further down the pipes though, there are connections where there perhaps should be one (between pipes 4 & 5). Is it unsafe to use the boiler in it's...
  3. S

    Vokera Maxin 24e - no pressure problem

    Hi, I hope someone can help! Earlier, I bled all the radiators in my flat. Now, the Vokera Maxin 24e combi boiler shows 0bar on the pressure gauge. I'm thinking this is probably a bad thing! How do I get it up to the 1bar recommended in the manual again? I've read many posts on the...