Recent content by sparky1989

  1. sparky1989

    Logic HAC8-63 AC Contactor 40A

    right this makes much more sense now thaks for all the help people !
  2. sparky1989

    Logic HAC8-63 AC Contactor 40A

    ok i see i think do i bridge between the odd numbers from A1 so that will supply the even number and what ? connector block the neturals? sorry if this sounds stupid but im so used to house bashing that contactors are a new area for me
  3. sparky1989

    Logic HAC8-63 AC Contactor 40A

    im slightly confused for example i have 2 matts going on the supplied by a 4mm cable are you saying to use 1,3 as L and N the cable which goes back to the stat in A1 and A2 and then 2,4 as the first matt and 6,8 as the second matt ?
  4. sparky1989

    Logic HAC8-63 AC Contactor 40A

    Hi i am installing a contactor onto a underfloor heating system but i am having problems with this i have put the supply into A1 and A2 then the top numbers 1 3 5 7 and the bottom 2 4 6 8 i have been told that if i supply matts live on the odd numbers and Netural on evens numbers but i...