Recent content by stephenk

  1. S

    Dead British gas 24LE combi?

    We didn't go through an agency.
  2. S

    Dead British gas 24LE combi?

    She lives in the US, so its down to us to get it sorted out. She just pays for it all!
  3. S

    Dead British gas 24LE combi?

    The pressure drop was sudden though (it was 1bar that morning, and 0.5bar when I came home to find it not working), and I can't find a cause of the drop in pressure. If I top it up, I would guess that its quite likely that the pressure will just drop again?
  4. S

    Dead British gas 24LE combi?

    I have a British Gas branded 24 LE combi boiler in my rented flat, which until today has been pretty faultless in service since I've been living in the flat for 2 years. However, yesterday it stopped working completely. The pressure is usually hovers around just over 1 bar, but is now at approx...