Recent content by steveyeahno

  1. S

    Help with Noisy Parquet floor

    Yes thanks for all your help Wood - you - like, I really dont think I would have been able to do this job on if it wasnt for the information you have given on this forum 8) . Can I just confirm that the sander I should go for is included in package 1 here...
  2. S

    Help with Noisy Parquet floor

    UPDATE: After starting to rip the floor back up, crying, I almost absent mindedly tried one last thing - I screwed the ply down with drywall screws where i had taken blocks up - and it seemed to make a big difference. Before i knew it, id taken up 80% of the floor (enough blocks still adhered...
  3. S

    Help with Noisy Parquet floor

    Oh and there's no hollow sounding blocks - all solid oak..cheers
  4. S

    Help with Noisy Parquet floor

    Hey wood you like, Although I cant see it, I think there is the smallest of movement everywhere - each parquet seems to have the ability to move minutely causing other blocks to move against each other and the adhesive to crack a little. I guess 6mm ply just wasn't thick enough - probably...
  5. S

    Help with Noisy Parquet floor

    Not a stupid question, but yes I did vacuum between each layer. I dont think its random bits of debris because all 7m squared of it makes the same sound - the sound dies down (to almost acceptable levels) after walking on it successively but will be back with a vengeance if no one walks on it...
  6. S

    Help with Noisy Parquet floor

    Hi Flooring man and thanks for the reply; The floor boards are in good condition and dont move - I still have access to them from the cellar. The Hardboard was nailed down well and I used annular ring shank nails to nail the ply thru the hardboard into the floorboards....
  7. S

    Help with Noisy Parquet floor

    Hi there, I usually get all the info i need by lurking on this site and following the advice given to others but in this instance i am at a loss and would be very appreciative of some help.. I recently laid a reclaimed parquet floor in my hallway using to best of my ability, the techniques...