Recent content by Timberroofs1

  1. T

    New roof technology

    Which volume house builders are using the system, if said company were supplying to a major volume house builder it would be plastered all over their website? If a local one man builder has used it twice that doesn't really constitute a volume house builder does it! I've never seen barrett...
  2. T

    New roof technology

    I'm just pointing out to those that asked that the u roof system has flaws, more cons than pros to be a viable alternative to timber trusses.
  3. T

    New roof technology

    Timber roofs will never suffer from oxidation, woodworm can be treated, oxidation involves replacement
  4. T

    New roof technology

    A timber roof doesn't need a structural warranty, as builders have been using timber for century's and the fact that timber roofs are still erect after century's is sort of enough warranty! It gets my goat when companies like this think they have the best thing ever, when infact all they have...
  5. T

    New roof technology

    Pointless system, what about the condensation that forms on the steel? This system can't be adapted or modified unlike timber! It costs more than timber, it even says that on there website, why would you go for a more expensive inferior product that can't be adapted? So in summary...