Recent content by virtue

  1. V

    House bought off British Gas Engineer has noisy new boiler !

    Can I buy this felt and add it if I locate the offending pipe ? What do I ask for to get the right felt ? The heating system was obvisouly added after the property was built as many of the pipes are exposed on the walls, so I hope this one isnt buried to deep somewhere.
  2. V

    House bought off British Gas Engineer has noisy new boiler !

    Desperate times, I am a light sleeper, come the winter when the heating stays on, I cant see me getting any sleep. A few more nights and I can see myself pulling floor boards up whilst my heavy sleeping family get their rest. If only I new what I was looking for........ No I know why the boiler...
  3. V

    House bought off British Gas Engineer has noisy new boiler !

    I promise to scour the house at the weekend for the meter. I checked outside for a box to no avail. A friend made the same joke about being piped into next door but unfortunatly BG contacted me with the last reading from the previous owners so the dam thing must be somewhere ! With ear to the...
  4. V

    House bought off British Gas Engineer has noisy new boiler !

    I have just bought a house off a British gas engineer and everything is fine except the Worcester 28i Junior which is pretty new, is making tapping/clunking (louder than a dripping noise but like a dripping noise) type noises. It is in the kitchen right below my bedroom and when it comes on in...