Recent content by Wharty

  1. W

    Foundations advice please.

    Does this photo help at all?
  2. W

    Foundations advice please.

    The landlord told me they would support a first floor if we wanted to add one so I thought I would see what I could find. We haven’t bought the house yet so no harm looking and seeking advice.
  3. W

    Foundations advice please.

    As a newcomer to the forum I have no idea if your reply was sarcastic or you have seen something I should be concerned about?
  4. W

    Foundations advice please.

    Hi We are in the process of buying the house we have been renting for nearly 6 years. I know nothing about foundations or building work by the way so go gentle! I decided to do some digging and think I have found the foundations. Should I be concerned about them and the brickwork above or do...
  5. W

    Any idea how old my boiler is?

    Thanks for the responses, appreciated. Anybody any idea how old the boiler is and how much more efficient a new one will be?
  6. W

    Any idea how old my boiler is?

    Hi, new here so hello all. I have what I think is a very old boiler in my house and was wondering if anybody here can tell me how old it is? Its a Worcester 28 CDI-FSN-GB NAT. GAS COMBI with serial number 77161300178670677455 And another serial number for Bosch quality control is AON 8670 677...