Recent content by WhereInSussex

  1. W

    "Blocked" System

    OK, plumber came today and spent a good hour looking over the system. Conclusions: Either the pump has stopped/reduced pumping due to loss of blades or a blockage, but he doesn't feel this is the case OR There is a severe blockage in the heat exchanger of the boiler (27 years old)...
  2. W

    "Blocked" System

    Will do, have got half a dozen names/numbers of people that friends of mine have used, which is usually better than a pin in the phone book! So today's tasks: replace the immersion so that Mrs WhereInSussex has some hot water (something I can actually do) and have a ring around.
  3. W

    "Blocked" System

    Thanks for all the suggestions, will be phoning a plumber (or two) later. The magnet stuck to one area, I think it was around a junction just below the pump (but may be wrong).
  4. W

    "Blocked" System

    The pump was his first suggestion, but then he seemed to think it wasn't that because it appeared to be running and because a magnet stuck to the pipe. I have just been recommended a local plumber, so will give him a ring tomorrow after I've had a look in the loft.
  5. W

    "Blocked" System

    The pump is set to 3, the radiators aren't thermostatic and are "on" and I haven't been into the loft yet
  6. W

    "Blocked" System

    Thanks UKGAS, I'll get in touch with somebody ASAP after a trip into the loft tomorrow. As the immersion doesn't work either (I guess they burnt it out because the gas hot water didn't work) I really need to get this sorted as we're moving in on Monday!
  7. W

    "Blocked" System

    Hi, I recently purchased a house, heating system "needs attention" was in the particulars. When we looked around, the pipes in the airing cupboard were warm and the boiler was running, so we thought it was probably just the valve or something. Fast forward to last week when we completed...