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  1. W

    Underfloor Heating query

    Hi, Wonder if anyone can assist me. I have had a single storey extension built which is 48sq m. I think the best way to heat this area is water based underfloor heating to run through the combi. However, my builder has already layed the floor. Is it possible to use a router and dig out...
  2. W

    Hot Water & Heating advice

    Hi there, I'm having an extension built and needs some advice on how best to upgrade my heating and hot water system. The house will become 6 bed with 3 bathrooms. There has been an issue with my flow rate which I think I know how to resolve from a previous post. We currently have a...
  3. W

    Water Supply pipe

    Hi, I'm having some extensive works going on and need some advice on the water supply pipe. My house was built circa 1930 and sits some 70 feet away from the outside pavement and is on a gradient. We have always had problems with water pressure and Severn Trent have been out in the past and...