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  1. C

    Help! Is this mould?

    Hi there, I recently had some night storage heaters removed and while sanding to prepare the wall where the heater was for painting, this pink stuff appeared where I had sanded (white bits are filler). Anyone know what it could be? It seems slightly more pink than the plaster, but has been...
  2. C

    Paint colour for an accent wall in a dark room?

    Hi all, I'd like to paint one or two walls in my living room green, but the room doesn't get much natural light (and those walls are the darkest). I found a photo online of the colour I'd like to paint it (attached), but all the samples I've tried look way too dark in the space. The lightest...
  3. C

    What is the paint colour I'm looking for?!

    Hi all, I've recently bought a house in the Cotswolds and am looking to paint the door sage green. The house was built in the 80s and therefore doesn't have the old yellowy Cotswold stone - it's a newer, probably reconstituted, more creamy colour. All the info I can find online for paint colours...