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  1. W

    Cleaning Heating System

    I've currently got a very old gravity fed heating system that hasn't got any inhibitor in it. The cold water tank in the loft feeds the hot water tank in the bathroom directly which in turn supply's the hot water to the taps (as you will know). Since I only have one main cold water tank...
  2. W

    Replacement fire building regs?

    Hi all, I'm looking to get a new fire fitted in place of the old, now the room is double glazed with no trickle vents and there isn't an air brick either. If the new fires output is below 7KW will there be a need for an airbrick? I've just spoke to building regs who were no use what so...
  3. W

    Dry Rot In Attic

    Hi everyone, I seem to have dry rot in my loft and was wondering what substances are best to use? I've looked on the net and found Safeguards ProBor, is it any good and what are the alternatives? Cheers Will