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  1. K

    2 way lighting from an fsu

    Thanks for all your help, we'eve now got it working
  2. K

    2 way lighting from an fsu

    right, I've drawn it in powepoint, but I've no idea how to get it in here
  3. K

    2 way lighting from an fsu

    I've copied it down on paper, I'll try and draw it ASAP
  4. K

    2 way lighting from an fsu

    er I don't know what that means
  5. K

    2 way lighting from an fsu

    We've just managed to get that bit working, but both bulbs are only 1/2 strength, any ideas which bit we've wired wrongly?
  6. K

    2 way lighting from an fsu

    Does anybody know if it's possible to: Take power from an existing socket, use an FCU and then have 2 light bulbs operating on 2 1gang switches? And if so, how do you wire it?