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  1. T

    Help please Varnished Woodwork

    Hey Zampa Apologies for late reply ive been working hard with decorating.Thanks to your advice the woodwork is now coming along nicely.A slow process but will be worth it in the end. Husband has made a contribution by painting the ceiling in one of the rooms but has managed to get splashes of...
  2. T

    Help please Varnished Woodwork

    Thanks Zampa. I bought Zinseer Bin today from the Dulux decorating centre. They recommended I undercoat as well before the final gloss coat so I now have some quick drying dulux undercoat also.Can I use eggshell on top of this or must it be gloss?I really appreciate your reply
  3. T

    Help please Varnished Woodwork

    Hi .I am wondering if anyone can offer some help please.We are in the process of decorating and I am very keen to paint over the varnished areas in the house.There is orangey varnish on every door/frame and skirting and my husband says we have to live with it as it would be a mammouth job to...