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  1. D

    40 amp meter-replacement needed?

    From memory the bond to the earth spike is 4mm. Not sure if the water is bonded at all.
  2. D

    40 amp meter-replacement needed?

    Thanks for the tip about the letter. As well as replacing the CU, they would also like to move the meter, cutout etc. At present it is in the kitchen, it did have a cupboard around it, but they want to tidy it up a bit (with a bit of prodding from me). The idea is to either build a small brick...
  3. D

    40 amp meter-replacement needed?

    Cheers for the replies. Without looking, I'm not sure what size the fuse is, but I would presume it is a 100amp.
  4. D

    40 amp meter-replacement needed?

    My parents have a WOOD burner, which provides central heating, I dont think it uses much electricity :shock: I was struggling to find something to say to my parents when they told me of the conversation they had with the 'advisor'. I presume he was on some sort of traning scheme (or drugs).
  5. D

    40 amp meter-replacement needed?

    First off, this is my first post, so, er, hello :D My mum and Dad are having an extension built, and I am wiring it for them (I'm an electrician). I'm also replacing the CU, as they have a rather sorry looking Wylex re-wirable at the mo. The meter is an old 40 amp type,with 16mm tails, and I...