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  1. L

    What tape to use?

    Luckily the sides of the building will not ever be in shot anyway. Shame I can't airbrush them in real life though ;)
  2. L

    What tape to use?

    Thanks! Yup. I know what you mean. The studio isn't complete and there will be black out curtains which can be drawn across the windows. For the most part they will be closed (always better to be in control of all the light when working with portraits) and so I hope to limit the exposure of...
  3. L

    What tape to use?

    Thanks to everyone who responded on this. I ended up using the tape approach and I think the result is absolutely fine considering it will be used purely as a photography studio. Here you can see the result of the boarding. Thanks again. P.S. Forgive the non-ironed backdrop (it's...
  4. L

    What tape to use?

    Thank you!
  5. L

    What tape to use?

    Thanks for the reply. This isn't plaster board though, this is like the kind of board you find at the back of a fitted kitchen cabinet (for want of a better description). I'm not even sure plaster would stick to it (the board is fairly flexible). This is the stuff Link If it needs...
  6. L

    What tape to use?

    Thanks. Perhaps a kind mod will move it for me. I don't want to cross-post and annoy everyone :)
  7. L

    What tape to use?

    Anyone? :(
  8. L

    What tape to use?

    Hey all, I should point out right up front that I'm not an experienced DIY'er and so I do apologise if the questions seem really stupid. I'm presently building a photography studio out in the back garden. I'm not doing it from scratch but purchased a 10x12 workshop which I've already...