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  1. M

    Air in Radiators

    The plot thickens. I was beginning to loose alot of water from the expansion tank which pointed to a leak. Took up some floorboards and found a nice puddle of water under the floor. I have discovered that when we had some damproofing carried out 8 years ago the company laid in concrete to...
  2. M

    Air in Radiators

    Hi Thanks for that. It answers alot of questions. Can you in laymans terms explain exactly how a primatic cylinder works. I want to be armed with as much info as poss. Many Thanks
  3. M

    Air in Radiators

    Hi First time posting on a subject I do not know much about so please be patient! I have air in my radiators. If the heating is on all day then the living room radiator fills with alot of air. The setup is as follows:- I have an oil fired boiler which has 2 pipes going into the hot...