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  1. K

    Uneven floor....what to do !!!

    Has anyone ever come across this problem before? In our hallway, we are looking to put down solid oak flooring. The problem is, you enter the front door to a relaltively small area (2.5m2) but the old stone threshold for the front door sits into this area and is uneven and to itself and the...
  2. K

    Egg box interior doors

    We are wanting to attach some coat hooks to the back of our interior doors, although they are not solid doors. Is this possible, any tips? Thanks
  3. K

    Radiator loosing heat

    Thank you all for your replies, these are very helpful. I have one other question if you don't mind.... Where might we find the boiler release vent (as it isn't anywhere outside) Thanks again :)
  4. K

    Radiator loosing heat

    Hi, thanks for your reply...there is no leak??
  5. K

    Radiator loosing heat

    We have microbore in our house and are converting each room to 15mm as we go along, we have done the bathroom - no problems. We have recently converted the box room and put on a new radiator but we have a problem. If we bleed that radiator the heat comes flying out and on the max temp the...