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  1. N

    Gloworm Energy Saver 50E run on timer fault.

    I have a Potterton timer and occasionally this 'flutters'. It is not in an instruction manual but if you bridge all five buttons, which you use to set the clock and timers, this resets the device.
  2. N

    Glow-worm Energysaver 50E

    I had my exchanger replaced in 2003 after 9 years of use. I wonder if I had imput some inhibitor it would have lasted a bit longer. I don't think that you should try running it without the front panel - but then I'm not a engineer.
  3. N

    Glowworm Energy Saver Boiler - Buzzing noise

    Underneath the base of the boiler is a tray. If you pull this out it should say which model 40,50 or 60