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  1. S

    Decking within retaining sleeper walls

    I have assumed 400mm joist centres from the back wall. I have dug at 800, 1600 and 2400. The area is 3m wide so split it into three for 1m centres across the width. Used string line to ensure that they are in line. Will need to dig a couple more at the bottom end but need to wait until the...
  2. S

    Decking within retaining sleeper walls

    First class response Thermo. It was my intention to do as you say and line my 6x2's around the edge before inserting the joists. Your reassurance is much appreciated re the expansion question...... it was one of those 'wake up at 3am type niggles' before spending all day chewing it over. Keep...
  3. S

    Decking within retaining sleeper walls

    I am glad I got your attention Thermo having been a fan of your good advice over time........ just trying to work out how to show the image which I have uploaded to my albums
  4. S

    Decking within retaining sleeper walls

    This is my first post as a long time lurker and decking fan, looking for some advice. The photo shows an area which I have cleared and intend on decking. The sleepers are retaining higher ground on three sides. I intend on fixing my joists running from left to right on the photo. My...
  5. Untitled


  6. deck

