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  1. B

    outline of old paintwork coming through 1400 lining paper

    ah ah, and what if they've moved house! I'll give you that one :mrgreen: But cut me some slack, im new to these forums!!
  2. B

    outline of old paintwork coming through 1400 lining paper

    PS. I must confess my recomendation of 2-3 coats of emulsion is for cielings (which usually are white) but i would still recommend putting a blanket coat of white emulsion over the lining paper. What this then does is seal it, and assists in hiding the joins. Also, if you happen to still notice...
  3. B

    outline of old paintwork coming through 1400 lining paper

    you've gotta admit for the sake of what i understand is a small area of outline showing through, crosslining twice over is a bit much. I'd only crossline twice if the vast majority of the wall was in a poor condition, but if its just affected in one or two small area's, then a bit of pollyfiller...
  4. B

    outline of old paintwork coming through 1400 lining paper

    You could just mix up a bit of polyfiller and apply it around the protrusion, then when sanded smooth you wouldn't have a ridge. When lined it should be practically invisible. Also, sometimes with 2 or 3 nice coats of brilliant white emulsion can hide some minor imperfections anyway, it just...
  5. B

    Hi Helen, well, usually the thing that causes paint to peel is usually damp related, plus a...

    Hi Helen, well, usually the thing that causes paint to peel is usually damp related, plus a thing known as 'efflourescence' thats salt being released from plaster or masonry, and also if paint has been applied to a completely bare surface without being sealed adequatley beforehand. Im assuming...