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  1. T

    Old back boiler safe?

    That was my thoughts, we have two young children and access to cheap logs. To save some money we tend to have the heating off most the day as everyone is in the lounge and just keep the open fire burning all day. The fire is usually lit around 9ish and I tend to let it die down about 11pm (the...
  2. T

    Old back boiler safe?

    Thanks for the quick reply. So drill a small hole through the cast iron behind the plate and presumably into something else (probably copper). I did think about drilling a small hole as that would make the back boiler safe even if it has not been correctly disconnected. The only thing...
  3. T

    Old back boiler safe?

    Hi, We moved into our house last year and a few weeks before Christmas I had the gas fire removed (one of those coal effect jobs) and have been burning coal and wood in the open fire. I became aware of the potential safety issues with an old back boiler this week and it made me unsure of how...