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  1. S

    Dead Boiler :(

    Tony, Evidently my sums are little out (I thought I'd allowed £150-£200 all in) - I've not looked into in too much depth to be honest and just made a ball park guestimate... The plumber has yes been very helpful - but I will be making sure that I see him straight when we sort this out -...
  2. S

    Dead Boiler :(

    The timer switch I've diagnosed - can't switch it on using the 'over-ride' button 70% of the time.... The Fan - the plumber came out to do a 'temporary fix' during the recent *really* cold snap - a) to diagnose it and b) to hopefully get us going again - he wasn't going to charge us for the...
  3. S

    Dead Boiler :(

    Hi, This is one of a few things to go wrong over the years, we've had the water pump go twice, the PCB on the boiler go and now the timer/control panel is on it's way out and more importantly the fan had died and the combined cost of both being replaced is looking like circa £500 + VAT :(...
  4. S

    Dead Boiler :(

    Hi, I've been lurking on here for a little while and now my boilers finally given up the ghost i thought I'd take my turn at asking a question..... Our 19 year our Stelrad/Ideal Classic NF40 has finally given uo the ghost and I feel that now is the time to bite the bullet and get a new...