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  1. L

    What is this? Metal bar across window opening internally

    Thanks for the idea! I thought of it but it looked to me like it would help any kids climbing rather than stopping them! I'm fairly sure the windows open outwards so wouldn't work to stop them being opened too far. Also outside the window is a solid balcony. Falling out of that window would...
  2. L

    Are these bars signs of wall repair/reinforcement?

    Hi I viewed a flat and was puzzled by an ugly metal bar across the window of one room. It was bolted into the wall either side of the window opening. It didn't relate to any blinds, and as the windows open out couldn't be a safety bar. There were no cracks around the window that I could see...
  3. Untitled


  4. L

    What is this? Metal bar across window opening internally

    Hi, I viewed a flat for sale and I noticed in one room a metal bar across the interior of the window opening which puzzled me. It didn't look strong enough to be structural/reinforcing, but didn't seem to be anything to do with the window/blinds and being a bit ugly I wondered if it was a sign...
  5. Untitled


  6. window bar

    window bar
