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  1. K

    Savile again

    Do you know something calorific the more you write the more I'm becoming certain I know you from elsewhere. You could say we've run into each other before. Like a head on car crash so forgive me if I don't answer you ... yes, I'm ducking out but I'm happy to cede the discussion.
  2. K

    Savile again

  3. K

    Savile again

    Hitler? Yes he was dead (allegedly) at the time of the Nuremberg Trials. That's true. But I rather think once a country has declared war and built concentration camps ... it comes as no surprise to discover it was the Fuhrer who instigated and ordered these policies as opposed to say .. his...
  4. K

    Savile again

    Substitute the word allegedly ... that might help. But your earlier post asked when it was 'safe' to call him guilty. And the answer to that one is it's safe now as he's dead and can't do anything about it. Which is the exact conclusion the press came to. We need another dead suspect to...
  5. K

    Savile again

    Well .. when you put it like that ... I guess, The sum total of my argument seems to be, why was an alleged pervert allowed to get away with his crimes for all his life? Answer: Because neither victim or one single witness came forward when he was alive. It's too late for justice now. You...
  6. K

    Savile again

    Funny how different people view the same article in a different light. To me .. that one really landed with both feet into the category of hearsay. Anyone can kick a dead man in the dangly bits ... especially if the newspaper reimburse her a few grand for doing so. Not that I'm suggesting...
  7. K

    Savile again

    I've been reading this thread ... it's interesting and I wasn't going to say anything as I've been hammered elsewhere for a viewpoint that's out of step with the majority. You can hammer me here. It's a free country. I ought to say at this point that Big Tone and Alumni talk a lot of sense...
  8. K

    Commons Statement on Hillsborough

    Guys don't jump on me .. I'm no expert on footie matches or Hillsborough. But .. I saw it on TV and yes, I used to go to the odd footie matches before the crowd violence got too bad. Wasn't the solution to that to put up the damn fences. A disaster waiting to happen. Whose stupid idea was that...
  9. K

    Royal Flush

    Totally agree with you. Publicity, whether wanted or not goes with the job. What I thought odd was how it was reported she felt 'violated' ... this coming from a woman that had no qualms about wearing a transparent dress at a fashion show in 2002, to catch a prince's roving eye. Will and...
  10. K

    Good riddance tobacco!

    :roll: Of course, now why doesn't that surprise me. You're priceless JohnD, I'll give you that.
  11. K

    Good riddance tobacco!

    Oh ... and BTW ... I respect and defend anyone the right to express their opinion. It's a free country.
  12. K

    Good riddance tobacco!

    I'm beginning to feel like a parrot here repeating myself. I'm beginning to feel like a parrot here repeating myself as I think we've already established the smokers were confused as to exactly what the anti-smokers were banging on about ... until we, or at least I, finally realised that you...
  13. K

    Good riddance tobacco!

    unless it was simply a reference point for ease to prevent repetition. That's it! That's what the list was for. You put it so much pithier than I did. No need for a list of the pro's. I said why in the earlier post. I'm not defending smoking. There are relatively few benefits and certainly...
  14. K

    Good riddance tobacco!

    :?: Ah .. you didn't get the point of the anti-smoking list? I made a post explaining the idea behind it. Your last paragraph makes more sense. :mrgreen:
  15. K

    Darwish Article

    :lol: Very droll ... you posted that with your tongue firmly stuck in cheek didn't you. Here's another one.
  16. K

    Good riddance tobacco!

    Infantile belittlement and obscufation? Look .. I'm not sure if you're trying to be sarcastic or just sharpen your wits on me with words of four syllables but .. well ... I'll try my best but I'm not too ingenious or dextrous with words like you but here goes. You still haven't got it have...
  17. K

    Darwish Article

    Hysteresis ... ignore the bully boys ... they'd soon complain if Sharia Law came to the UK.
  18. K

    Good riddance tobacco!

    Nope ... just me. Killerheels. Never been here before. Is this why I get some stick? Has someone elses fame preceded me? Then I beg clemency cos you're all overestimating me.
  19. K

    Good riddance tobacco!

    Oh dear, with all respect, try and keep up. I'm way ahead of you and I'm only a dumb smoker! I made the list AGAINST smoking to save YOU all the time and effort of typing out angry posts (and repeating yourselves). But ... like a rollercoaster with no handbrake you keep clanking away. I really...
  20. K

    Good riddance tobacco!

    the anti smoking lobby here doesn't have anything to say except "we don't want to ban it! We don't want to make smoking illegal! It's not fair! We just don't like you! Only the last is true. Oh bugger ... you don't like me? That hurts. :cry: I thought we'd established that about 5 or 10...