Search results

  1. W

    Toilet in middle of garage?!

    Thanks for your response ...... this forum is great. :) Okay, we asked our solicitor to search for building certificates for a few items including the loo. As expected, nothing is showing up. I suspect this was either done many years ago, or was a bodge job by the current owner...
  2. W

    Toilet in middle of garage?!

    We are in the middle of buying a house to renovate. There is a toilet in the middle of the garage at the moment (yes, there's a bit of stud wall around it). Any ideas what the previous occupants might have done with the soil pipes? It has been a while since we've seen the house, and I'm...
  3. W

    What order to do things?

    Hi - I am really pleased to have found this forum, and hoping it will help as we pull a neglected house into shape! The house currently has old aluminium windows which we will replace with uPVC. The window reveals have been timber lined which I want to remove, and we will be replastering or...