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  1. N

    Lean To

    Iv started and gone with my original plan (free standing)...was going to brace it anyway...will have to see if it's enough.
  2. N

    Lean To

    That was my original plan I've even done some groundwork to go ahead with that route however I'm just second guessing that method as with all the high winds we've had recently I'm just worried about the post flexing and banging against the house.
  3. N

    Lean To

    I'm about to build a covered lean to on the back of my house, approx 6m x 2.5m with twinwall polycarbonate cover. My house has been insulated with polystyrene and rendered over the top so I need to cut through to get to the verticle concrete lintel/post things....I'm wondering if it's actually...
  4. N

    Looking for ideas (DIY Green house)

    I plan on building my own Green House, timber frame and plastic corrugate! And im looking for some inspiration/ideas. If you have any photos i would love to see them. Thanks neil