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  1. S

    Plaster boarding horror

    Well we have an emergency fitter coming tommrow to try fit the bath and loo so well see what he says
  2. S

    Plaster boarding horror

    Yep they moaned that I didn't let um finish it they went home no later than 1pm on Friday so why didn't they finish it on Friday
  3. S

    Plaster boarding horror

    Just a quick update the builders turned up I told um that there work so far is unacceptable and the area manager has been informed and he will be coming later pictures has been sent to him as well. This resulted in a huge argument claiming that there work was good enough and won't be seen once...
  4. S

    Plaster boarding horror

    So should this be used in a wet damp bathroom tiled from floor to ceiling. I presumed that it said moisture resistance factor 15 meant it had sum water repellant features
  5. S

    Plaster boarding horror

    There are numerous off cut s just normal brown paper backer With bristish gypsum saint goben en520
  6. S

    Plaster boarding horror

    I hope so too there not doing any work in there till this is sorted. Any tips what to say other than did my 3 year old help you ?
  7. S

    Plaster boarding horror

    I mean before it was installed the back side stated it was moisture resistant factor 15 so I presume this just isn't standard plaster board for dry rooms
  8. S

    Plaster boarding horror

    I've known my landlady for 5 years if she saw the mess they've created shed back me all the way
  9. S

    Plaster boarding horror

    Yep so rip it is the only way then. Looking at the pics they look mild I invite anyone who wants a good laugh to come view it
  10. S

    Plaster boarding horror

    Yes it's a down stairs bathroom, and Cheers for the tip about signing off the work cause it anit getting signed off as it is. I have a feeling they'll say its fine and either shove grout in the gaps or plaster finisher. Should it be rip it off and start again and if they refuse then what ?
  11. S

    Plaster boarding horror

    Around 3k it's not my money it's the landladys (who is 100 per cent helpful) but is currently away so she'll be informed too when she's back. That's about ten houses worth of work they've lost out on
  12. S

    Plaster boarding horror

    Well I'll split it into days it's that bad Day 1 They send a lad out looked about 12 to rip it all out ,2pm he's on the blower saying the damps really bad that's it done for day Day 2 Gaffer appears at 9am looks at it goes that proper fecked well have to phone DIY store they'll phone...
  13. S

    Plaster boarding horror

    I won't even go into what they've done underneath I think it would make most cringe and probs not right what they've done and in 2 years I'll be in the same mess
  14. S

    Plaster boarding horror

    Nope no wind up that's how they did it
  15. S

    Plaster boarding horror

    My lips are sealed because I don't wanna bring this site into disrepute or myself But you could be right there herts drainer as it anit wickes or home base
  16. S

    Plaster boarding horror

    The area manager is already involved due to the other problems we've had. He *******ed the 3 lads on Friday (they only just started work ) then said he'll be paying regular visits but I think I'm gonna phone um tommrow and tell he needs to come and see the state it's in before they try and hide it
  17. S

    Plaster boarding horror

    heres the pic also n the right hand side the main plasterboarded wall is over hanging the window still by a 1 cm at least
  18. S

    Plaster boarding horror

    Just sorting the window pic out and the big DIY chain erm well they have a b in there name and have a website address similiar to this one just without the not in it
  19. S

    Plaster boarding horror

    Well it was 3 young lads who had to ask how to mix waterproofer into the render underneath. I just honestly don't know what to do if I say I want that redoing this work is gonna end up into a 3 week mess of no bathroom. But if I let um carry on then I don't hold much hope for there...
  20. S

    Plaster boarding horror

    Well it had moisture resistance factor 15 on the back isn't that tile backer your referring too ?