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  1. P

    Megaflow daytime heating failure

    Thanks for confirming my suspicion. (I was looking for the "thanks" button, but apparently it has disappeared)
  2. P

    Megaflow daytime heating failure

    Hi Agile, thanks for the advice. I am not a technician of any kind, but after reading a bit online it looks like the bottom induction heater is the one going on cheap electricity (the bit that works) and the top heater is the "boost", which should work during daytime but does not. If that is...
  3. P

    Megaflow daytime heating failure

    Thanks gas112, I have now googled "twin immersion heater" and feel a bit wiser now. I will have a look if there is any other possible wiring/electrical issue, if not I will call a plumber to replace the immersion heater. Cheers.
  4. P

    Megaflow daytime heating failure

    Hi, We just bought a flat with a Megaflow boiler, this is connected to 2 separate power supplies, as we have a 7 meter (cheaper electricity overnight). The Megaflow fills with hot water overnight and works all fine in that respect. But the hot water runs out very quickly and the Megaflow...