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  1. J

    Shed roof felt

    Hi Ceres, thanks for your reply. It's more than a couple of splashes i'm afraid, it's crept in about 15cm per side, uneven and significantly darker than the rest of the felt. As we only have a small garden and this side of the roof is facing the house it doesn't look great. Will the...
  2. J

    Shed roof felt

    Thanks, but it looks unsightly as it stands with two (uneven) dark strips to the side so I will need to take some sort of action.
  3. J

    Shed roof felt

    Good morning folks, My first post here! I had a shed delivered and assembled a few weeks ago and have recently treated it with a good clear preserver. Unfortunately some of the preserver spread onto the felt at the two sides and seems to have permanently stained it to a darker colour...