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  1. D

    Render behind a wood burner

    Good idea but it would be a pic of a brick wall with a Morso Badger standing in front. I think I will go ahead with a render of 1 cement, 1 lime and 4 sand then skim with lime plaster.
  2. D

    Mechanical fixings for Kingspan K17

    I would very strongly advise avoiding Kingspan, Celotex or any insulating product containing extruded polystyrene. It contains formaldehyde which gasses and pollutes causing allergic reactions. Formaldehyde is carcinogenic and completely banned in many parts of the world. My home had to be...
  3. D

    Render behind a wood burner

    I have to render behind a wood burner and tile over the render. The flu goes through the wall to be rendered. What mix of sand/cement is best. Thanks.