Search results

  1. N

    Stud Partition Sole Plate

    Many thanks to both of you. Although I think I'll bite the bullet and drop in a joist after all. The advice about needing a double joist has put me off not having any at all. :shock:
  2. N

    Stud Partition Sole Plate

    Hello all, any advice on this particular problem would be greatly appreciated. I am moving a stud partition wall to alter the sub-division of the upper storey of a small extension. The work is part of a bathroom refurbishment. The new head plate lines up nicely with a joist spanning the...
  3. N

    Gas supply to Combi Boiler

    Many thanks Chris, I'm not entirely surprised by this. There goes the floor! Thanks again. No-hat
  4. N

    Gas supply to Combi Boiler

    Hello Chaps I have a quick question regarding the diameter of the gas supply pipe to combi boilers that I'm sure will be obvious to a pro' but not to me. I'm in the process of choosing a new combi to replace an ageing boiler which serves a conventional system. The existing gas feed is...