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  1. S

    Washing machine trip the breaker.

    This was tripped. its rcd then. It tripped because there was overload in laundry in washer or somewhere water leak :). Sorry i am not technician and want to know some basic things. If i actually washer will not trip again RCD or when i stop using washer. Can i just plug my new pc parts in...
  2. S

    Washing machine trip the breaker.

    You mean pc can crash if breaker will trip again by washer yes:)? In otherway not? ok last question. I said it is all repaired,cleaned,not overloaded with washer. So it will not trip again,hopefully. But somebody said that this "other breakers should trip first. " What you think? So why RCD...
  3. S

    Washing machine trip the breaker.

    When my washing machine (7 year old ) was running yesterday it trip the breaker ( that one ,first on the left , RCD i guess?!) and no power in home. We reset the trip and the same happened twice more (took me a ittle while to realise it was the washing machine!). The socket is OK, and I presume...