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  1. E

    Drayton Wiser operating questions

    That looks interesting thanks but I was more talking about building an app which could control the boiler directly through Opentherm. So nothing related to Drayton Wiser. As far as I could quickly tell, that HA project is all about building an app which interfaces with the Drayton wiser...
  2. E

    Drayton Wiser operating questions

    Couple more questions, do we think Drayton Wiser systems might go on sale when the temperature warms up? I would imagine demand for smart heating declines in the summer. Secondly, how would someone write an application which interfaced with OpenTherm? Is there an API? Where is the...
  3. E

    Drayton Wiser operating questions

    According to Wiser website: I'll get Drayton to confirm all of this but this looks promising
  4. E

    Drayton Wiser operating questions

    Really appreciate all these responses - really helpful and you're certainly filling in all the gaps which I wasn't sure of. Just to be clear, currently I have two wireless thermostats - one for the radiators and one for the UFH (the level of configuration on them is awful). I've attached what...
  5. E

    Drayton Wiser operating questions

    Oh I did have another question - sorry What's the deal with weather compensation? As far as I can tell, that's part of opentherm rather than wiser? But I guess wiser tells the boiler to switch heating on via opentherm and then it can use the temperature sensor to determine how intensely to...
  6. E

    Drayton Wiser operating questions

    I just mean, on a combi boiler, you can select the hot water temperature and flow rate temperature with the two knobs on the front. But I thought one of the things Opentherm did was automatically adjust the flow rate temperature to more efficiently heat the radiators - but sounds like that's not...
  7. E

    Drayton Wiser operating questions

    Thanks Harry. Really useful information. Regarding the flow rate temperature and hot water temperature, what happens with that when you connect Opentherm? I read somewhere that the knobs on the boiler itself which control these temperatures effectively become redundant once you connect...
  8. E

    Drayton Wiser operating questions

    This thread is very interesting and has asked some of the question this mind field introduces. I've been doing my best to swat up on this as possible but I have no idea if I'm right or not... According to my boiler documentation, my ideal instinct 30 boiler is capable of modulating: 6.1 to...