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  1. V

    Why is there a large cement line joining to extension?

    So appreciate this as this is a very good point! Thanks mate
  2. V

    Why is there a large cement line joining to extension?

    Yeh it was this, my house has really bad gauge control so they kept with it on one side of the house, knowing it wouldn’t match at the front. Lesser of 2 evils, thanks for your help!
  3. V

    Why is there a large cement line joining to extension?

    Cool, so should I say anything to the builder? I’m only really bothered by the big cement line really
  4. V

    Why is there a large cement line joining to extension?

    What’s a Sunday joint? What do I say to the builder?
  5. V

    Why is there a large cement line joining to extension?

    thank you! Gives me reassurance it’s not just mine lol
  6. V

    Why is there a large cement line joining to extension?

    I’m not in the trade so only just about following what you’ve put. The mortar colour of the existing house is much darker than it seems on the photo, that’s just dust that’s made it look much lighter. So I do know that around that area the drainage pipe goes underneath the wall to the main...
  7. V

    Why is there a large cement line joining to extension?

    I am going to bring it up with the builder as the thickness of the cement line seems huge to be fair. There’s also a pipe that they’ve not dealt with at the bottom of the original photo that I need to query too!
  8. V

    Why is there a large cement line joining to extension?

    I’ve misread an earlier comment. No worries, maybe I should judge the build once it’s done lol. I don’t enjoy not knowing what I’m looking at, hard for Joe bloggs to know if it’s a good job or a bad job being done beyond obvious stuff e.g does the wall look straight Thanks for your help!
  9. V

    Why is there a large cement line joining to extension?

    For my wall, they haven’t toothed in or used wall starters have they? Sounds like toothing or wall starters are the only options, whereas for mine they’ve just put cement down the line - how comes you wouldn’t tooth in OR use wall starters?
  10. V

    Why is there a large cement line joining to extension?

    23VC, when would you not use a wall starter kit?
  11. V

    Why is there a large cement line joining to extension?

    Yeh seen these online. Thanks for letting me know! I’ll ask the builder why wall starter kits couldn’t be used
  12. V

    Why is there a large cement line joining to extension?

    Hi there, I’m having an extension added to the side of my house. On one side, they’ve toothed into the existing brick work. On the other side, they’ve done a really weird join with a large line of cement. Is this normal? Looks like they couldn’t align the old brick to the new bricks for some reason