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  1. erikT

    BBC logic

    quite logical and in line with modern practices. But BBS found some connection, or rather the author of this article. I think this is yet another proof that no matter how reliable the source is, you should filter everything. just think twice/
  2. erikT

    Cracked concrete in garden office foundation

    It's frustrating how some builders can get away with shoddy work.
  3. erikT

    Why are so many pubs closing?

    You know, yes, we love to complain. I wonder if someone told the manager, or at least the waiter, that the quality of the food left the best. Personally, I didn’t) Maybe if more people said that they wanted better, then the situation would change. Ultimately, your time and money are valuable)
  4. erikT

    Why are so many pubs closing?

    Well, here they themselves are to blame for the loss of quality. The question is how managers are trying to solve the situation.
  5. erikT

    Patio repointing advice

    Low temperatures can slow down the setting time of the mortar. Therefore, I think it is worth waiting for a warmer time, since frost can damage an unprotected solution.
  6. erikT

    Wallpaper or plaster?

    wall treatment is the only reliable option.
  7. erikT

    Dishwasher and using all in one tablets query

    Yes, that's a rather strange answer from a certified plumber.