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  1. K

    Dummy's guide to kitchen floors?

    Hello, We're looking to put new floor in the kitchen, but dno't know anything about it. It's currently cheap wood laminate laid on top of lino it seems. I like the look of tiles, but not the cold feel of them, so thinking about vinyl tiles. Are they suitable for kitchens? Are there any...
  2. K

    Do shady lawn seeds really work?

    Our lawn is patchy at best. It's in shade for practically all of the winter, but at the moment it seems to get a good dose of sun bar the odd corner and right under the trees at the end. Do shady lawn grass seeds work or should we give up on the idea of a lawn? What sort of care is needed...
  3. K

    Blocked drains

    Hello, hope you can help :) The sink and bath drains have blocked up. Hubby's immediate response was pouring down unblocking type chemicals. I'm not so keen on them from an environmentally point of view. In any case, it didn't work, and we discovered that the block seem to be on the...