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  1. W

    How do i lift a upvc door off a flag hinge?

    I need to remove the front upvc door for the delivery of fridge/freezer. The door has a upvc flag hinge as shown below from what i can gather from searching the net i should simply open the door and lift it up. The door should slide...
  2. W

    kitchen tap leak

    I have a monobloc kitchen tap which has been leaking. I removed the stem which holds the washer. The washer has been shredded. I put my finger into the chamber/tap body and felt the seat (which the washer touches when turning the tap off) it has a bit missing. So everytime i turn off/on the...
  3. W

    expanding foam around double glazing doors and windows

    thinking of having double glazing windows and doors fitted. is it normal practice to use expanding foam on all windows or use it where it is required? i have been told they will only use it if the gap is a bit large or brickwork is not sound
  4. W

    mondeo replacing sunroof

    some lowlife put a brick through my sunroof. i am insured with norwich union and according to them i have to pay £175 excess because its not covered under windscreen cover. are they right? being an indian call centre they sounded unsure. any idea how easy is it to replace a sunrook in a...
  5. W

    toilet will not stop filling up

    had a new toilet unit fitted 4 years ago. after flushing it refills itself as it should. sometimes it will not stop and overflows into the pan. found that sometimes if i turn on the bath cold tap full the toilet stops filling. it works sometimes. removing the cover of the toilet the innards are...