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  1. N

    Radio Teleswitch adjustment?

    Thanks all, Yes the device is wired from a dual rate meter and has house cu and storage heater cu coming off it. Radio Teleswitch type NU 69-08 made by Horstmann, Then a series of letter no. combinations:ICA-2A ICB- ICC- ICD-80A Un 240 volts, then "property of Midlands Electricity plc" My...
  2. N

    Radio Teleswitch adjustment?

    Ooh er, sounds a bit odd then I suppose the next step is to contact my electricity supplier and get them to decide what I do next! Many thanks for your Help, Nick.
  3. N

    Radio Teleswitch adjustment?

    Hello, I have a Radio Teleswitch that governs my old storage heater consumer unit via an 80 amp RCD for cheap rate night time electricity. This consumer unit is now redundant and I would like to use the 80 amp RCD to take a feed to my garage. Can the RTS be adjusted to give me 24 hour power and...