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  1. S

    Intermittent Hot Water

    anyone still listening? If i take out the DH HE and try to descale it, will I have to - drain down? (only reason I ask, is that the BG guy didnt when he replaced it) If I try to descale/clean the primary, will I have to drain and turn off gas? Best
  2. S

    Intermittent Hot Water

    Sorry - should be a Alpha Combi (CB24 I think) boiler - not an ALPHASON!! (who make speakers I think?)
  3. S

    Intermittent Hot Water

    Many thanks for the super quick reply Tony. Do you know if the Ferroquest product is suitable for this boiler (think you should avoid aluminium if poss)? Also, I am a novice, so apologies but... 1. Should I close ALL valves? thermo and lockshield? 2. When you say use for HW - do you mean...
  4. S

    Intermittent Hot Water

    Hi - thx for the advice. Finally got BG out (under homecare). They charged me 250 for a new DHW HExchanger - as it was blocked apparently. Now, nearly 5 months later - the same thing is happening. Except this time, they say I need a powerflush too! They are "willing", after some persuasion, to...
  5. S

    Intermittent Hot Water

    problem seems to be worse upstairs with shower (boiler is downstairs). This morning, shower water was hot for 2 mins then became tepid. Have rebled all radiators.
  6. S

    Intermittent Hot Water

    Alphason Combi Boiler (sorry, thought I had posted that) - will check model when home....
  7. S

    Intermittent Hot Water

    Hi all I moved a rad (this is where the problems started!) but knackered one of the valves in the process – so ended up draining the whole system (some of it through the kitchen ceiling). Anyway, managed to fix it – put the rad back on & represurrised the system. I bled the...
  8. S

    Metal Wall Sockets/Switches

    Super guys - that makes sense - thanks very much!
  9. S

    Metal Wall Sockets/Switches

    Hi.. sorry.. but this is a very dumb question.. but I am quite new to this.. When installing a metal plate - I get the fact you have to earth it... but am not 100% sure how to do this. The existing (plastic) switch & metal box - has an earth - the box is earthed... So when I earth the...