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  1. J

    marking up dark tiles with pencil

    I'm laying dark slate effect laminate tiles (400 x 400) When I'm marking up the tiles in preperation for cutting the pencil marks are very difficult to see. So I've been putting pieces of masking tape on the tile and then making the pencil marks on the tape. Any alternatives to pencil...
  2. J

    door making

    I wan to put a door on my external cellar. The current door is all buckled and warped. I was wanting to manufacture a door out of 25mm exterior grade ply and reuse the gate style hinges from the old door. Will it buckle and warp or will it be okay once coated with primer and gloss. Thanks
  3. J

    Whole of house pumped system

    Currently have a gravity fed Domestic Water System (see diag 1). Want to install a whole of houser pumped system to feed 2 bathrooms and a kitchen. When comes to install guides and diagrams all i can find is ones that supply single showers. Is what I propose in diagram 2 correct? thanks...
  4. J

    hardboard bubble or buckle

    Got some guys in to lay hardboard over some ropey floorboards. Since then they all seem to have buckled up or bubbled up. The guys are not interested. Any suggestions how to sort the problem? Can I try putting more nails in? Can I lift the boards and reuse them? Should I use 6mm ply...
  5. J

    low pressure system

    I have a problem - low cold water pressure to bathroom and low hot water pressure to bathroom and kitchen. The set up is as follows: 1/ Single story flat 2/ Hot water cylinder sitting at floor level (height 1m) 3/ Cold water tank (height 60cm) supplying the cylinder 4/ The bottom of the...