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  1. A

    CH only heats when HW is also on?!?

    Yeah, Ive edited it... sorry about confusion. I had a hunt around at the weekend, expecting to see a three way diverter valve however its only a two way honeywell. Im pretty sure the valve works though after some flicking between the auto and manual settings. Its an open vented system i...
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    CH only heats when HW is also on?!?

    Thanks for your help... As for the other post, I thought that was a better place for my query, so I was going to delete this thread... It turns out I can't delete either of them. It just says: "You can post new topics in this forum You can reply to topics in this forum You can edit your...
  3. A

    CH only heats when HW is also on?!?

    Hi My central heating only heats the radiators when the Hot Water is also on. If we hit advance or its timed to come on when the water is off, all we get is noise from the boiler and cold radiators. However they heat up pretty quickly when the water is on at the same time. We have had a new...