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  1. M

    ** New builds and still fitting conventional boilers **

    Well, thanks for all the input. Just something a little different from the 'my drop valve is leaking' posts :D Its hardly a big consideration at purchase time. A boiler at a grand is small potatoes amoungst several hundred thou of house purchase. I'll nurse it along till the cover runs out...
  2. M

    ** New builds and still fitting conventional boilers **

    Yes, a few dubious accounts around here tbh. Thanks for the swift reply, didn't expect many people to be up and about at this time of night on xmas :D Not sure how to tackle this one really. Local BC officers I guess after the holidays. Only came to light following a boiler breakdown, it's...
  3. M

    Siting of a replacement boiler

    Hi, I know this is an old thread, but thought it worth a note... Im in a 6 month old house that still has a SEDBUK D boiler installed (in may 06). Wonder how the developers get around this - Im not alone here either, there are GW Microns popping PCBs all over this Persimmon scrapyard! Steve
  4. M

    ** New builds and still fitting conventional boilers **

    Hi, More of a building regs issue really, but some of you guys who install may have a definative answer. I'm very unfortunate to have a new Persimmon Home, and even more unfortunate to have a Glow Worm Micron 50FF (Yes, its on it's second board in 6months). The house build began in 2006...