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  1. M


    I'll do what I can :wink:
  2. M


    ouch :(
  3. M


    Cheers, mate. I'll try to remember that. First I'll rip the sodding thing down, though, and send her a photo of me p*ssing all over the rubble.
  4. M


    What on earth gave you that idea?
  5. M


    She hasn't taken the house yet, then?
  6. M


    Yeah, well, if you ever do (in a moment of weakness) get one of those pre-nuptial agreements! Snakes with t*ts, the lot of them.
  7. M


    That's that sorted, then. just got to make sure I don't bring the whole thing down on my head...
  8. M


    :shock: bloody hell - have you done this before?
  9. M


    The skips will work a treat. I'll have to think about what I can get out - the fridge, the telly, some of the better furniture. I'll have a word with the neighbour - he hated her and I can stash some stuff in his cellar. It's a good telly as well - big flat screen, all the bells and...
  10. M


    I'v never used a mini-excavator before. How much damage can it do? And, second, is it easy to operate? Will I be able to just jump in and start knocking the walls down?
  11. M


    There's a smart bloke! The thing is, if I strip the place then she'll get her claws into it as assets (especially the fittings, appliances and so on). So, i'll have to take out a few things that will be worth something/can be used again, but not so much as to make it obvious. It will need a...
  12. M


    Kids - two, and the house is supposedly nearer to the school, so she'd get it. I say supposedly because she's already shacked up with the new one anyway and she won't be moving. I'm going to rent then decide what to do re building or buying. Anyway, that's all for the future.
  13. M


    It's not surprising. The hitch to the b*tch has been over for a while, but she said she wants to formalise it when she gets back. As for building a new house well, it's an idea, but I'll need to arrange credit and so on so it's a lot of organising. For now I'm less concerned with what I'll...
  14. M


    explosives would be good but only if she comes back early :D
  15. M


    yeah - that's definitely the first step - though I'll have to check if it's not a joint policy as she'll probably get a wee bit suspicious if I ask her to agree to cancel the insurance... Torching it is out of the question, though it is tempting :D Apart from the police and so on I think...
  16. M


    :D I like that. I'm not so keen on what the police might have to say though. Besides, I don't want her to get insurance or anything like that. I want her to get back to a pile of as fine rubble as I can manage.
  17. M


    You're not right, but you're not far wrong! I'm still married to the cow, but it won't be for long and I'll live in a box under a bridge before I see her and her new pal move into the house I built. Basically, she's away for the next two weeks - actually nearly three - and I know she's going...
  18. M


    no! the house is mine - in my name and built by me. it's take it down or lose it, though, so i want to take it down.
  19. M


    no, mate. i live in poland and they're used all the time over here. don't quite know what you're on about, tbh.
  20. M


    sounds good. how long do you think it will take to get the roof off? i need to break it down into as fine a rubble as possible as well - the goal is to reduce it to a state where it can't be put back up.