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  1. S

    faulty swich possibly

    crafty get a life whats a bit of grammar just learning dont give up the co-op
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    i have moss and weeds in my lawn i have scraped the grass with a leaf rake , weed killer , weed and feed , grass comes back thicker and healthier but so does the weeds like large dock leaves moss is all there amongst the weeds
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    joint tape on TE plasterboard

    self adhesive joint tape is the best make life easier it has a brill grip i would use it again
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    faulty swich possibly

    found the fault broken neut cable at fan also double switch unit busted
  5. S

    faulty swich possibly

    ooked t old double switch past occupent has wired in new mains switch box also trying tio find a problem extactor fan and lights are on the same switch but also noticed a loop undone old cable re placed all back as found can get fan working every time but not the lights