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  1. A

    Flushing central heating system

    What is the procedure for flushing the system. My system hasn't been touched- apart from boiler servicing- for about 20 years, now. I have a boiler system containing seven rads, a mixture of double and single fin. None of the rads have thermostats. There are two tanks in the loft and a copper...
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    1 cold radiator

    I went to my pump and noticed that of the headings- central heating, both, hot water- the indicator was pointing to hot water. Having moved the indicator to 'central heating', the radiator has come on. I'm going to wait until it heats up fully before sliding the indicator to 'both'; I want to...
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    1 cold radiator

    I too have the exact same problem. One radiator on the ground floor is stone cold but all the others including the ones upstairs are all ok. If I turn all radiators off except for the offending one, it heats up. I proceed to turn all the radiators on one at a time; the radiator stay on up until...