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  1. D

    problem with work done by an electrician - advise please?

    No I didn't ask for a split way board, I said I need a new consumer unit fitting, can I have a rpice please - despite all the big words I've used I've only learned these AFTERWARDS - I am a complete layman in this feild and to be frank I feel he took advantage of that (and that my wife was 8...
  2. D

    problem with work done by an electrician - advise please?

    I'd rather not say, in case the guy see's this and calls it slander or whatever - crazy world isn't it! However I am about an hour south of you sparks if your profile is accurate. Thanks again - I'll keep you posted. :wink:
  3. D

    problem with work done by an electrician - advise please?

    those spare cables still disappear off round the house, but they are not connectted to the power. Dont know why the seal is broken? I had all that changed 1 day before they came round to fit the CU - i got the info off here so contact service provider and job was done. is a steeple board 9...
  4. D

    problem with work done by an electrician - advise please?

    picture of tails that were left - he said they were from a shower which is no longer needed, and the old cooker run (which also needs replacing)
  5. D

    problem with work done by an electrician - advise please?

    Thanks for more info!! on the two above points - Picture to follow of work done- I am struggling with the internet - SUPPRISE! :D He did not provide a written quote - so no clause. Oh - i looked up the cost of the consumer unit - incase he starts saying it was expensive. £27.50...
  6. D

    problem with work done by an electrician - advise please?

    Cheers mate, Great info! He can't do the work himself though - he aint qualified - so i guess I skip straight to step 2. If he pays up, then problem solved. If not, I will report him to NIC(shouldnt use their logo), Trading standards, police,electrical saftey council and take him to...
  7. D

    problem with work done by an electrician - advise please?

    Hi, I have recently had work done on my home(new consumer unit fitted), I am not happy with the work done and am after some advise. Obviously as a novice I am after some facts from the pro's!! :) 1 - Front of consumer unit is loose - not screwed on 2 - no rcd fitted (think thats...
  8. D

    Help with possible bypassed meter - EK!

    I am not a business - you are correct. However that is where the validity of your statement ends. my statement is neither "lacking intelligible meaning", nor is it "Foolish; absurd" - so perhaps you should check a dictionary before throwing in a number of large words... I will go on to...
  9. D

    Help with possible bypassed meter - EK!

    Getting three quotes is just good business practise. One quote doesn't mean a thing. If a business isn't willing to quote then they ain't really the sort of company I'd like doing work for me. :roll:
  10. D

    Help with possible bypassed meter - EK!

    Thanks - this is exactly what I want to find out - the reason I am nervous about asking DNO people(whatever that stands for) is that they might try and fine me or ask for more money on the bill.... How do I know I am not going to be getting myself into trouble for the previous owners...
  11. D

    Help with possible bypassed meter - EK!

    ok prolly a better way of me putting it would be... will the electricty board have to fix it, or will a spark be able to? IS fixing bypassed electricty meter (i dont even know if this is the case yet) a nightmare job? I appreiicate the reason for the rule - all i'm after is a little bit...
  12. D

    Help with possible bypassed meter - EK!

    Hi, Moved a few months ago. sockets still seem live even though CU is switched off. Have to remove these two huge porcelain fuses things to get the power to cut out (they are in an old metal case, with a broken seal - not broken by us) and spark like mad when we reconnect them to return...